I am Brittani. The girl with the windows down, hair in her face and a big glass of water in which ever hand is free. I am a Mama bear to 2 little dudes who keeps me on my toes.

When I feel my child rest his sleepy head on my chest or sing me a silly song, it's those moments that remind me about the WHY behind my photography. Its then when I realize that the deep connection I have longed for all these years is what I feel when I photograph mothers or families. There is nothing too raw or chaotic for me. In fact I embrace the chaos and the perfectly imperfect moments that unfold at my sessions. It allows me to see your family for who you are and turn your connections into art that lasts a lifetime. 

forget the poses & expectations of what photos "should" be, let's create something beautiful together that authentically preserves this milestone of your life, no matter how big or small.

my why



& Raw

Your Love Story Is Worth Remembering

Based in-


traveling worldwide

Let's Capture it Together.

let's connect